Four Monarchs, earliest coin a Penny 1861. 10xPennies, 4xHalfpennies, 2xSixpences, 1xThruppenny Bit.
I was planning a very early morning beach hunt today as I knew it was going to be a brill day weather wise but I forgot about a Docs appointment so had to change my plans at the last moment.
So I headed inland to my usual haunt and was not feeling very confident about finding much as I've hit this area many a time. Every time I arrive at this spot I always look at what looks like an old trackway leading off into the wilds. Being well overgrown with nasties I've always avoided trying it but today i had a go. Was hard going, not much area to swing but I kept at it for as long as I could until it got too dense.
Well, I think I was right, tis'indeed an old trackway, maybe dating back to the late 1800s going by the coins coming out. As you can see in the first photo above it was mainly a penny day. There are four recent Monarchs in that lot, Queen Elizabeth II, King George VI, King George V and Queen Victoria.
A bit of a silver day as the Sixpence is a George V 1920, so containing 50% silver.
There's also a couple of photos of an axe-head I took with my phone. Was too big to fit in my finds pouch with the other trash, so I re-buried it where I can find it if it turns out to have some age to it. Certainly looks old, but not ancient. Anyone any ideas on it please. My pin-pointer is there for size comparison.
***UPDATE*** Just had an ID on the Axe Head, seems to be quite modern, known as a Kent Pattern Axe Head.
An enjoyable morning and worth a return visit, got to be something decent there somewhere.
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