About Me

metal detecting
 Hi there and welcome to my Blog. 

I live in Plymouth on the South Devon Coast in England and I am 61 years old.

gold five dollar coin
My best coin to date.
A Gold American Five Dollar Liberty Head
A real passion for metal detecting has brought me to create this Blog and to share my metal detecting experiences and finds with you. I'm no scholar or internet whiz kid and this is my first crack at being a proper Blogger, so please bare with me as I try and build this site how I would like it to look.
I'm aiming for a Blog where as well as showing off my finds and chatting about my own metal detecting experiences, I want to also show all aspects of metal detecting and what's out there in this wonderful hobby.

I like to think I am a responsible detectorist,  just enjoying my hobby as best I can within the code of conduct and the law.

I'd like to point out I'm no expert. I'm still learning this hobby myself. By making this Blog it encourages me to do some research on topics related to metal detecting and so I am improving my own knowledge. If you pick up any tips or find some topics interesting then that makes me happy.

I first started  metal detecting in August 2012 with a Garret Ace 250 which I still have as a back up machine. I've had a Garret AT PRO, a C.Scope CS4PI and also a Nokta Velox One and am now using an XP Deus 3.2. 

You will see on my blog that I show all the finds I make on my hunts, even if its only one button or a corroded copper coin. The reason for this is to show the reality of metal detecting, its not all gold and silver. I've had,  and am still getting my share of trashy finds, but by persevering now and again I do find something interesting.

Hope you enjoy your visit here as much as I enjoy writing it, and if you have any comments or feedback please feel free to post on my Blog You can find the post a comment by clicking the 'no comments' or '1 comment', '2 comments', etc, at the bottom of every post.  It would be great to hear from others who enjoy this great hobby.

All the best and Happy Hunting,


  1. Wonderful blog, and full of interesting information. A must see for any treasure hunt enthusiasts. :) ---Denise from Hubpages.

    1. Hi Denise, Thank you for your kind words. As you can see I have a real passion for metal detecting and creating this blog and now over on Hubpages, is a sort of 'indoor' detecting. Maybe I won't find any gold or silver here in cyber world but the knowledge and experience of other detectorists I find on here is my treasure.

      Keep up your good work over on Hubpages.

  2. Visited.. Some nice find, and stunning view on the countryside..
    - John Denmark ( Danzigman)

    1. Hi there John, thank you for your visit. As they say in the song..."Englands green and pleasant land"... I'm very lucky to live here in Devon on the south coast of England.
      I just wish all that land was my permissions to detect on but I was out on a club dig that day. Fishermansam also from the MDF took the photo.

  3. Hi there Janner, may we contact you regarding advertising on your website? What is your email address?

    1. Hi Anonymous, I can be contacted privately by using the form 'Contact Me Privately' in the right hand column of this page. As for advertising I have to be careful of how many ads I display or Google will pull it for spamming.
      Many thanks for your interest.

  4. the square field to your right ,is it a roman enclosure

    1. Hi, That small squared field did really stand out and did look interesting. But unfortunately those fields were not part of the permission we were on so didn't have a chance to investigate them.

  5. Hi Janner, An interesting blog and lots of useful info' Tell are you planning to reveal any tips on the Deus? ....some of us are struggling.

    Many thanks

    1. Hi there Tamag, As I'm new to the Deus myself I am struggling along with you all :). I heard the best way to learn the Deus is to first stick with the factory programs as they are. Then, as you get experienced and confident in what these factory settings can do, we can then start 'tweaking' them to suit ourselves. Good luck with yours and any advice you come upon would be greatly received.

  6. ok thank you ....great site by the way.

  7. Hi Janner, stumbled across your blog via the MD Forum. I am new to this hobby and have only been out once due to being a bit busy.
    I must say how informative and useful I have found your blog, I think you have done very well to put this all together as well as you have.
    I only live up the road from you in Paignton and am around the same age (born in 53).
    Keep up the good work, I shall be a regular visitor from now on, sorry I had to sign in anomalously as I don't know how to set up a URL
    Cheers Tony AKA Devonboy on MDF

  8. Hi there Tony, Many thanks for the kind words.
    Welcome to the wonderful world of metal detecting and hope you have much luck.

  9. Hi janner53! I've been reading your blog for a couple of days now as I'm also a Plymouth resident, and have just purchased my first detector. I've looked for a link to contact you on, as i would like to know if you would be interested in accompanying me on a hunt, as I'm knew to the hobby I reckon I could do with a bit of advice. I'm a student at plymouth uni, let me know your interested?
    Thanks , nick

  10. Hi Nick, Due to some problems I'm having at the moment which a couple of them are health problems I'm finding it difficult to get out detecting lately. A great place to visit on the net is the MDF metal detecting forum, the link is: http://www.metaldetectingforum.co.uk/
    There you will meet many experienced detectorists who are very willing to share their experiences and give good advice. There is even a forum there for 'Finding a detecting buddy' and there are loads of people from this part of the country on there.
    Best of luck and hope your soon making some good finds.

  11. hi janner . Nice blog.I have recently got back into the hobby after a long break.I first started late70s and through the 80s then I had a cscope and a fieldmaster fx66.I now have a minelab safari. I detected slapton back in the 80s we used to find lots of ww2 stuff I even found a mine bomb disposal blew it up on the beach there used to be signs out there warning people of unexploded ordnance I can remember the local paper reporting of people turning up at the local police station in Kingsbridge with rusted ordnance in the boot of there car after a day at the beach bet they loved that . I am of work at the moment after back surgery but will be out there next week ile call it part of my recover program so ile will look out for all the best mike

  12. Hi Mike, I wish you a speedy recovery. I often thought that over the years a lot of ordnance must have turned up at Slapton because of all the activity there during the war. Myself apart from coinage and an odd button have only ever found bullet casings and shrapnel, you lot from the 70's and 80's must have scooped the lot :).
    Yea, be good to bump into you down there one day.

    1. hi thanks for reply yes I did find interesting things but I don't have much of it left when I got married and moved out of my parents house i asked them a few years ago they said we threw it out worst was to come the threw out my old train set to.I still have one tin left old coins cap badges cartridges. you can still find the some sort of things out there now like we used to find back in the 80s i grew up uncles and grandparents that were in start company home guard during the war and they would talk about what went on out there and a lot of what they said have since been proved to be true but they have all passed away now . I have about 4 weeks before i go back to work so ile look out for the dues man. cheers mike

  13. Oh no!!!, not the train set,,,, I'm wondering what happened to my old train set now. Anyway, glad you still have some finds left.
    Yes Slapton Sands does have a lot of war history to it, I've read about what went on there and the harrowing things that happened. Seen plenty of war images from Slapton on the net too. A fascinating place but sad too.

  14. Hi janner . you may have already seen this video but if you haven't then go to youtube put in slapton sands ww2 exercises think it runs for about 45 mins.I am planning to get out there over the next few days if I find anything good ile let you now . mike

  15. Many thanks for that Mike, I've seen a lot of images on google about Slapton, but never seen any videos. I'm looking forward to watching that when I have a bit of time to myself, have to rush out now.
    Good luck on your hunt, weather's bad for tomorrow but gets better as the days go on.

  16. Mike, Today I spent over an hour watching youtube videos of Slapton Sands. Fascinating to watch actual footage of what went on there during the war years. Also watched a couple of modern day videos of Slapton and was good to learn how the beach itself was formed and the Ley behind it. One sad thing I saw is that the straight road between the Ley and beach may only have about 25-50 years left because of erosion. There is already plans in hand for a road to be built further inland.

    1. now you no why there is so much shratnul out there.I went out there on Thursday wife said don't stay to long you've got to take things easy 5 hours later I returned she was not happy 1 old penny a sixpence and a 2 pound coin and a pocket full of shratnal for the bin. I am still getting use to the safari it goes deep so ile haft to learn the tones and dig less. my mothers family were moved out for the exercise to a cottage near besands but a shell landed in the field behind the cottage and they where moved again they went back after the war my granddad worked for the govermant filling in bomb craters he and his drinking mate managed to by a tractor with there earnings and ended up working for s w water repairing damaged water mains he stayed with them till he retired. well being of work ive had chance to get use to computers and the internet joined uk metal detecting forum there is lots of info there then your blog turned up. mike

  17. Glad to hear you managed to get out for a few hours, that's metal detecting for you, hit and miss. Another time you could have gone home with a pocket full of finds. As you say, you'll do better when your more experienced with your machine.
    That was an interesting little family story you told there, I remember one lady on one of the videos say it changed the area a lot as a few families never returned after the evacuation.
    Its good your on the UK Metal Detecting Forum, you can upload some pics of yours finds and also a great place for info.

  18. Hi Janner,

    I though you might perhaps be interested in my latest blog post about buried (and sunken) treasure in Cornwall.

    I hope you find it interesting!

  19. Hi there Josh. Lovely blog you have there and I sure did find your last post interesting.
    While I am detecting beaches I always daydream of the treasures that may be laying out there just off the coast.
    Hope you don't mind but I've put a link to that post in my 'Metal Detecting Treasure Finds' page.

  20. Hi Janner53, Just bought a Euro 250. I was wandering if there are any places i can detect in Plymouth, where i don't need permission. If not, how do go about gaining this permission ?

    1. Hi there, I suffer from lack of permissions myself. Below I have put together a few tips I have found from around the internet and what I must do is practice what I preach. Hope you find some of the pointers below handy....

      All land is owned by someone, parks, fields, common land, even waste land and to detect on these places you need permission from the land owner or face prosecution in a court. Seeking permissions can seem like the hardest thing to do in this hobby. You will find on this page ways how you can go about getting permissions.

      Talk to your family, friends and work colleagues. Tell them about your hobby of metal detecting and of your interest in history and ask them if they know of anyone who has any land that you could detect on. Some land could come your way from someone who knows someone who has land.

      You could put up a card in a shop window, in a newspaper or anywhere you think a farmer/landowner may see it.

      Some detectorists telephone landowners, email, or send a letter asking for permissions.

      The most tried and tested and most popular way to get a permission is to walk up the driveway and knock on the door. This way the landowner can see you face to face and can make a judgement on you.

      Dress smart and casual and be yourself. Act in a positive non intimidating way.

      Do it alone as two or three men asking one landowner will most likely intimidate him/her. More so if its an elderly person.

      Go in the daylight hours.

      Make sure you have insurance and tell the landowner so.

      Prepare a business card as your details will be on there and makes you look genuine.

      If you get a no, be polite and thank the landowner for his time and move onto the next one.

      The more farmers/landowners you ask the more one is likely to say yes.

      Once you have a permission sort out the details right at the beginning regarding finds.

      Most common is a 50/50 split on any treasure trove found.

      Its good manners to show the landowner the finds you make. if they take a fancy to one of your finds, let them have it as a goodwill gesture for letting you on their land. This will make the landowner more confident in you and could lead to more land.

      At Christmas take them a bottle of their favouite plonk or a box of chocolates. Some detectorists make up a finds case and present them with it.

      You will get a lot more landowners saying no then you will yes. Don't get disheartened and keep trying.

      Good Luck,

  21. Thanks for the pointers. What type of insurance do I need ?

    1. Myself, and every detectorist I know have joined the National Council For Metal Detecting (NCMD). You can join the NCMD on line at the address below:..


      The benefit of joining the NCMD is that you get civil liability insurance up to £10,000,000. This covers you for accidental damage whilst out metal detecting, plus if you ever wanted to attend a metal detecting rally the rally organizers almost always insist you have this civil liability insurance in place before you can attend. Also it looks good when you are applying for permissions to be able to show the farmer that you are part of an organized body with liability insurance.

      The cost to join the NCMD with this liability insurance included is £8.00 a year.
      You can read all about the NCMD from the link above.

  22. You're a star Janner53. Thanks for the great information.

  23. Hello

    I am a beginner. I purchased a metal detector teknetics eurotek pro with 11''dd coil. I live in plymouth.Already tested the metal detector on the beach and my garden with various objects. I have a questions. Can I search for objects on every beach in this area?. I would like to start to look for wherever I can in the fields etc but I know I needed permission from the owners.Is there a problem with obtaining such permission? Are you using pinpointer?

    Thank you

    1. Hi there, welcome to the wonderful world of metal detecting. I've never experienced your machine the Eurotek Pro, but read some good reviews about it.
      I'm afraid you can't detect every beach in the area as some of them are 'private' beaches and the permission of the owner is needed to use these beaches. The majority of beaches in our area are owned by the Crown Estate and can be detected but keep in mind you will need a Crown Estate permit to keep within the law. Saying that I've not met anyone yet who has been approached and asked to see their permit, but its good practice to have one. The permits are free and can be downloaded at: http://www.thecrownestate.co.uk/coastal/metal-detecting/metal-detecting-permit-application/

      Obtaining permissions to detect farms is not easy and its something i suffer from. I've no permissions of my own but rely on fellow detectorists inviting me onto their own permissions and by belonging to a club. If you google 'metal detecting permission' a lot of useful advice will come up.

      Yes I do use a pinpointer, its one of those things that once you have one you always wonder how you got along without one. An excellent accessory.

      I wish you all the best in your new found hobby, and believe me, its very addictive.
      Happy Hunting,

  24. Hi Janner, like your blog, very interesting and informative. I'm looking at getting involved with detecting, but not sure on which detector to go for at the moment. I noticed you have the Ace 250. I like the look of the unit but wondered if it is any good with detecting on beaches? or will I have to invest in something else more dedicated (c scope ?) I guess I'm trying to find a unit that is capable for all conditions, or is this a non starter?

    many thanks.!

    1. Hi there Rich. All detectors perform as they do on land up on the dry sand of a beach. That is the area that never gets covered in sea water where the sunbathers like to gather. You will have no problems up there with a detector like the Ace 250. The problems start when you try and detect down on the wet sand, the area which does get covered in sea water with every tide. Some more expensive land detectors do perform pretty good on the wet sand, due to being able to discriminate out the problems with wet sand, but this costs you depth. If you are serious about beach detecting there are detectors out there known as Pulse Induction (PI) detectors which are built for wet sand detecting. These machines have no discrimination so you will be digging everything.

      One of the best descriptions I have read of a PI machine is as follows:
      The main chracteristic of PI metal detectors is their ability to ignore both nonconductive and conductive mineralization in the environment simultaneously while maintaining high sensitivity to all metal targets. The Pulse Induction detectors are not affected by highly mineralized salt water, coral, rocks with a high iron content, or magnetic (black) sand - all of which drive conventional detectors crazy.
      Another main feature of pulse detectors is that their detection range is unaffected by the medium between the metal detector and the metal target. Performance does not change whether detecting through air, water, silt, sand, or solid coral.

      So really it is a personal choice, Plenty of info on the net regarding beach detecting and machines.
      My personal choice is I have the XP Deus as my main land detector, with my Ace 250 as a back up. For the beach I am getting another PI detector, the C.SCOPE CS4PI. I had this detector before and it performed great on the wet sand.
      Good luck in what you chose.

  25. Hiya Janner

    Just to let you know I've enjoyed your blog and stuff on YouTube, and have added a link to your blog from mine (https://aureliadetecting.wordpress.com/). If you want me to take down the link pls let me know and I will.


    1. Hi Aurelia, Many thanks for putting my blog link up on yours, I will do the same with your link as its great to see what others are finding around the country.
      Happy Hunting,

  26. This very nice blogs thanks for sharing information Metal Detector Dubai|
    Gold Detector Dubai

  27. WOW....that gold coin looks FRICKIN' AWESOME!!

    Nice one!

    Only been detecting a few months myself and own the CS4PI and Ace 250.

    Was tempted to try out the CS4PI on field pasture, even tough I got it as a wet sand only machine.

    Is it worth trying on the nice green fields with the CS4PI, or should I just stick to the 250 for fields?


    1. Hi there Matt. I used to have a CS4PI and like you I wondered how it would perform on land. The idea was to fish out those very deep targets. So one day I took it to a field I had been doing for ages. EEEEEEEEEEEK,,,,,what a slog that was. As you know the CS4PI has not got any discrimination, so it was picking everything and anything up. From shallow tiny tidbits to deep large iron, and everything in between. After about an hour I had only moved a few feet. It was just too much and I jacked it in and went home.

      I suppose if you have a small productive area and you have fished out all there is to fish out with your land detector then it may be worth a try with the CS4PI to see if you can get any deeper targets. But to do a whole field..'ell, would take about 10 lifetimes.
      If you do try it...good luck :)

  28. hi I recently bought a second hand detector as iv took an interest in they hobby. I wanting to no a little about my detector its the escope 2000d vlf for 50 pound and I don't no much about it its in mint condition and iv tested it on some items with the coil seems very sensitive and I don't no how much its worth these days did I pay 2 much and is it a good detector if any one could give any info would be great many thank, dwaine

    1. WOW....There's an old machine. Even had a job finding anything about it on the internet. I did find a user manual for it, just copy and paste the following link:

      Also found this You Tube video:

      Good luck with it.

  29. I've looked for "contact me privately" but couldn't find it?
    I'm retired and 63 and fit and active. I haven't bought detector yet but money isn't a problem. I'm looking at the Teknetics T2.
    I live on the Greenbank In Plymouth.
    I used to Fossil hunt a few years ago But site are harder than getting permissions!

    Any chance of chatting if you are up to it?

  30. Hi there haven't heard from you in ages hope everything OK.

  31. Janner, worried my friend. Hope you are doing okay....email me when you can find time. I care....

  32. Hello mate I live in Plymouth and finding it hard to find places I can just go and dig. I'm part of a club but they only do a group dig every 2 weeks. Just wondering if there is anywhere good to go without traveling miles. Thanks

  33. Wow it has taken me ages and still I have not read all of the useful information on this blogg. Just purchased my 1st detector and decided to have a week researching everything on the internet before I even put the batteries in it. Most informative/interesting site have found. (From Plymouth)

  34. Excellent blog about treasure hunting. I'm a real fan about metal detecting.
    Thank you so much for giving us brilliant metal detecting tips.

  35. Janner hope all is well and that you will soon be posting here again real soon. Miss you my friend.

  36. Hi just bought a garrett 250, been out & about in the plymouth area found a few coins & odd bit's.Still learning as i go along really,can you tell me what's the best for cleaning old coins etc,& can you reccomend any good sight's areas around here i could try.?
    Thanks steve.

  37. A lot of collectors advise against any harsh cleaning. I personally don't use anything more than water, maybe some dish soap (I'm not even sure that is a good idea). https://www.money.org/collector/user_7249/blog/don-t-clean-coin-s https://www.money.org/collector/x198c/blog/the-best-way-to-clean-coins I went and got a permit to detect in parks, good luck there. Also we like going to the hiking trails in the foothills. Mostly find modern items like jewelry.

  38. Thanks for that, will look into getting permission,permits too.
    Enjoying your site.steve

  39. Wow! It's good to see such a nice post..
    I'd love if you write about Smart Metal Detector

  40. When you go beach detecting ,would you use a metal detecting sand scoop ?
    what about this one?

  41. Thanks Janner for your post. Can you write more about Metal Detectors please.Our company provides different metal detectors as well, its nice to have a blogger like you who can give tips for users.

  42. hi there janner53 i see your photo and pic are not displaying correctly because your using photobucket,try using http://tinypic.com that sort you out

  43. hi there janner53 can you tell me were i can go and try out my new Metal Detector and not get in to any trouble around plymouth

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  66. Hi Janner,I have just moved to Plymouth from sunny Scotland and excited to unpack the detector and get searching,recently been reading in England there is so much restrictions where you cant go including beaches! So different to Scotland!!can you recommend anywhere I can go just to get a couple of hours fix please?? Cheers jim barbour

  67. Hi Janner53, Great experience. As your first metal detecting device Garret Ace 250, how you find this device and How you rate this Metal detector? As a beginner detector, I am gathering information to select a best device for me. Please share your secret experience. Regards, Hossain.

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  122. Many thanks for posting such a nice article, I really enjoyed reading your post (or) article.
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    Villa Painting Dubai

  125. Many thanks for posting such a nice article, I really enjoyed reading your post (or) article.
    Keep up the good work !!!
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  126. Thank you so much to the owner of this website, I really enjoyed reading your post (or) article.
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  127. Thank you so much to the owner of this website, I really enjoyed reading your post (or) article.
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    House Painting Service Dubai

  128. Many thanks for posting such a nice article, I really enjoyed reading your post (or) article.
    Keep up the good work !!!
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  129. Thank you so much to the owner of this website, I really enjoyed reading your post (or) article.
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    Flat Painting Dubai

  131. Thank you so much to the owner of this website, I really enjoyed reading your post (or) article.
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    Flat Painting Dubai

  132. Many thanks for posting such a nice article, I really enjoyed reading your post (or) article.
    Keep up the good work !!!
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    Tiles Grout Cleaning Dubai

  133. Many thanks for posting such a nice article, I really enjoyed reading your post (or) article.
    Keep up the good work !!!
    Best Regards, Tiles and Grout Cleaning Dubai Team (Sealing Services)
    Tiles Grout Cleaning Dubai

  134. Many thanks for posting such a nice article, I really enjoyed reading your post (or) article.
    Keep up the good work !!!
    Best Regards, Air Duct Cleaning Services Dubai Team (AC Duct Cleaners)
    Air Duct Cleaning Dubai

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    Floor Polishing Company in Dubai

  136. Thank you so much to the owner of this website, I really enjoyed reading your post (or) article.
    Keep up the good work !!!
    Best of Luck from Floor Polishing Company Dubai Team (Professional Polishers / Cleaning Services UAE)
    Floor Polishing Company in Dubai

  137. Many thanks for posting such a nice article, I really enjoyed reading your post (or) article.
    Keep up the good work !!!
    Best Regards, Marble Cleaning Dubai Team (Restoration, Polishing & Floor Sealing Services)
    Marble Cleaning Dubai

  138. Many thanks for posting such a nice article, I really enjoyed reading your post (or) article.
    Keep up the good work !!!
    Best Regards, Marble Cleaning Dubai Team (Restoration, Polishing & Floor Sealing Services)
    Marble Cleaning Dubai

  139. Thank you so much to the owner of this website, I really enjoyed reading your post (or) article.
    Keep up the good work !!!
    Best of Luck from AC Filters Cleaning Dubai Team (Air Conditioning Servicing Company)

    AC Filter Cleaning Dubai

  140. Thank you so much to the owner of this website, I really enjoyed reading your post (or) article.
    Keep up the good work !!!
    Best of Luck from AC Filters Cleaning Dubai Team (Air Conditioning Servicing Company)

    AC Filter Cleaning Dubai

  141. Thank you so much to the owner of this website, I really enjoyed reading your post (or) article.
    Keep up the good work !!!
    Best of Luck from Wall Painting Dubai Team (Professional Painters Company)
    Wall Painting Dubai

  142. Many thanks for posting such a nice article, I really enjoyed reading your post (or) article.
    Keep up the good work !!!
    Best Regards, Grout Cleaning and Sealing Dubai Team
    Grout Cleaning and Sealing Dubai

  143. Many thanks for posting such a nice article, I really enjoyed reading your post (or) article.
    Keep up the good work !!!
    Best Regards, Tile Deep Cleaning Dubai Team (Floor and Grout Cleaners)
    Tile Deep Cleaning Dubai

  144. Many thanks for posting such a nice article, I really enjoyed reading your post (or) article.
    Keep up the good work !!!
    Best Regards, Tile Deep Cleaning Dubai Team (Floor and Grout Cleaners)
    Tile Deep Cleaning Dubai

  145. Thank you so much to the owner of this website, I really enjoyed reading your post (or) article.
    Keep up the good work !!!
    Best of Luck from Floor Deep Cleaning Dubai Team (Tiles & Grout Sealing)
    Floor Deep Cleaning Dubai

  146. Thank you so much to the owner of this website, I really enjoyed reading your post (or) article.
    Keep up the good work !!!
    Best of Luck from Wall Painting Services Dubai Team (Professional Painters Company)
    Wall Painting Services Dubai

  147. Thank you so much to the owner of this website, I really enjoyed reading your post (or) article.
    Keep up the good work !!!
    Best of Luck from Wall Painting Services Dubai Team (Professional Painters Company)
    Wall Painting Services Dubai

  148. Thank you so much to the owner of this website, I really enjoyed reading your post (or) article.
    Keep up the good work !!!
    Best of Luck from Marble Polishing Dubai Team (Floor Deep Cleaning & Restoration Services UAE)
    Marble Polishing Dubai

  149. Thank you so much to the owner of this website, I really enjoyed reading your post (or) article.
    Keep up the good work !!!
    Best of Luck from Marble Polishing Dubai Team (Floor Deep Cleaning & Restoration Services UAE)
    Marble Polishing Dubai

  150. Thank you so much to the owner of this website, I really enjoyed reading your post (or) article.
    Keep up the good work !!!
    Best of Luck from Villa Painting Services Dubai Team (Professional Wall Painters)
    Villa Painting Services Dubai

  151. Thank you so much to the owner of this website, I really enjoyed reading your post (or) article.
    Keep up the good work !!!
    Best of Luck from Grout Cleaning Service Dubai Team (Floor Tiles Deep Cleaning & Sealing)
    Grout Cleaning Service Dubai

  152. Thank you so much to the owner of this website, I really enjoyed reading your post (or) article.
    Keep up the good work !!!
    Best of Luck from Grout Cleaning Service Dubai Team (Floor Tiles Deep Cleaning & Sealing)
    Grout Cleaning Service Dubai

  153. Many thanks for posting such a nice article, I really enjoyed reading your post (or) article.
    Keep up the good work !!!
    Best Regards, Floor Tiles Cleaning Dubai Team (Grout Deep Cleaning Services & Sealing Company)
    Floor Tiles Cleaning Dubai

  154. Many thanks for posting such a nice article, I really enjoyed reading your post (or) article.
    Keep up the good work !!!
    Best Regards, Floor Tiles Cleaning Dubai Team (Grout Deep Cleaning Services & Sealing Company)
    Floor Tiles Cleaning Dubai

  155. Thank you so much to the owner of this website, I really enjoyed reading your post (or) article.
    Keep up the good work !!!
    Many thanks from Top A/C Cleaning Dubai Team (Air Duct, Filters & Coils Deep Cleaning)
    A/C Cleaning Dubai

  156. Thank you so much to the owner of this website, I really enjoyed reading your post (or) article.
    Keep up the good work !!!
    Many thanks from Top A/C Cleaning Dubai Team (Air Duct, Filters & Coils Deep Cleaning)
    A/C Cleaning Dubai

  157. Thank you so much to the owner of this website, I really enjoyed reading your post (or) article.
    Keep up the good work !!!
    Best of Luck from Top Flat Painting Services Dubai Team
    Flat Painting Dubai

  158. Thank you so much to the owner of this website, I really enjoyed reading your post (or) article.
    Keep up the good work !!!
    Best of Luck from Top Flat Painting Services Dubai Team
    Flat Painting Dubai

  159. Many thanks for posting such a nice article, I really enjoyed reading your post (or) article.
    Keep up the good work !!!
    Best Regards, Top Air Duct Cleaning Services Dubai Team (AC Duct Cleaners)
    Air Duct Cleaning Dubai

  160. Many thanks for posting such a nice article, I really enjoyed reading your post (or) article.
    Keep up the good work !!!
    Best Regards, Top Air Duct Cleaning Services Dubai Team (AC Duct Cleaners)
    Air Duct Cleaning Dubai

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  162. Many thanks for posting such a nice article, I really enjoyed reading your post (or) article.
    Keep up the good work !!!
    Best Regards, Top Floor Cleaning Services Dubai
    Floor Cleaning Services Dubai

  163. Many thanks for posting such a nice article, I really enjoyed reading your post (or) article.
    Keep up the good work !!!
    Best Regards, Top Floor Cleaning Services Dubai
    Floor Cleaning Services Dubai

  164. Thank you so much to the owner of this website, I really enjoyed reading your post (or) article.
    Keep up the good work !!!
    Best of Luck from House Painting Services Dubai Team (Apartment & Villa)
    House Painting Service Dubai

  165. Thank you so much to the owner of this website, I really enjoyed reading your post (or) article.
    Keep up the good work !!!
    Best of Luck from House Painting Services Dubai Team (Apartment & Villa)
    House Painting Service Dubai

  166. Many thanks for posting such a nice article, I really enjoyed reading your post (or) article.
    Keep up the good work !!!
    Best Regards, Top Floor Tiles Deep Cleaning Dubai Team
    Tiles Cleaning Dubai

  167. Thank you so much to the owner of this website, I really enjoyed reading your post (or) article.
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    AC Duct Cleaning Dubai

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  169. Thank you so much to the owner of this website, I really enjoyed reading your post (or) article.
    Keep up the good work !!!
    Best of Luck from Top Floor Deep Cleaning Dubai Team (Tiles & Grout Sealing)
    Floor Deep Cleaning Dubai

  170. Thank you so much to the owner of this website, I really enjoyed reading your post (or) article.
    Keep up the good work !!!
    Best of Luck from Top Villa Painting Services Dubai Team (Professional Wall Painters)
    Villa Painting Services Dubai

  171. Thank you so much to the owner of this website, I really enjoyed reading your post (or) article.
    Keep up the good work !!!
    Best of Luck from Top Villa Painting Services Dubai Team (Professional Wall Painters)
    Villa Painting Services Dubai

  172. Many thanks for posting such a nice article, I really enjoyed reading your post (or) article.
    Keep up the good work !!!
    Best Regards, Floor Tiles and Grout Deep Cleaning Dubai Team
    Grout Cleaning Dubai

  173. Thank you so much to the owner of this website, I really enjoyed reading your post (or) article.
    Keep up the good work !!!
    Many thanks from Top Marble Polishing Dubai Team (Floor Deep Cleaning & Restoration Services UAE)
    Marble Polishing Dubai

  174. Thank you so much to the owner of this website, I really enjoyed reading your post (or) article.
    Keep up the good work !!!
    Best of Luck from Top Move In Deep Cleaning Dubai Team (Professional Apartment & Villa Steam Cleaners Company)
    Move In Deep Cleaning Dubai

  175. Thank you so much to the owner of this website, I really enjoyed reading your post (or) article.
    Keep up the good work !!!
    Best of Luck from Top Move In Deep Cleaning Dubai Team (Professional Apartment & Villa Steam Cleaners Company)
    Move In Deep Cleaning Dubai

  176. Many thanks for posting such a nice article, I really enjoyed reading your post (or) article.
    Keep up the good work !!!
    Best Regards, Top Apartment Deep Cleaning Services Dubai Team (Steam Cleaners Company) Apartment Deep Cleaning Dubai

  177. Many thanks for posting such a nice article, I really enjoyed reading your post (or) article.
    Keep up the good work !!!
    Best Regards, Top Apartment Deep Cleaning Services Dubai Team (Steam Cleaners Company) Apartment Deep Cleaning Dubai

  178. Many thanks for posting such a nice article, I really enjoyed reading your post (or) article.
    Keep up the good work !!!
    Best Regards, Tile Deep Cleaning Dubai Team (Floor and Grout Cleaners)
    Tile Deep Cleaning Dubai

  179. Many thanks for posting such a nice article, I really enjoyed reading your post (or) article.
    Keep up the good work !!!
    Best Regards, Tile Deep Cleaning Dubai Team (Floor and Grout Cleaners)
    Tile Deep Cleaning Dubai

  180. Many thanks for posting such a nice article, I really enjoyed reading your post (or) article.
    Keep up the good work !!!
    Best Regards, Top Grout Cleaning and Sealing Dubai Team
    Grout Cleaning and Sealing Dubai

  181. Many thanks for posting such a nice article, I really enjoyed reading your post (or) article.
    Keep up the good work !!!
    Best Regards, Top Grout Cleaning and Sealing Dubai Team
    Grout Cleaning and Sealing Dubai

  182. Thank you so much to the owner of this website, I really enjoyed reading your post (or) article.
    Keep up the good work !!!
    Best of Luck from Top AC Filters Cleaning Dubai Team (Air Conditioning Servicing Company)
    AC Filter Cleaning Dubai

  183. Thank you so much to the owner of this website, I really enjoyed reading your post (or) article.
    Keep up the good work !!!
    Best of Luck from TOP Grout Cleaning Service Dubai Team (Floor Tiles Deep Cleaning & Sealing)

  184. Thank you so much to the owner of this website, I really enjoyed reading your post (or) article.
    Keep up the good work !!!
    Best of Luck from TOP Grout Cleaning Service Dubai Team (Floor Tiles Deep Cleaning & Sealing)
