Nokta Velox One Bovisand beach today.

Due to the heavy storms we have just had I thought it a good idea to try out our local beach. You hear of sand being washed off a beach making it a hayday for metal detectorists. Mind you, saying that I have found it can work the opposite and wash sand up the beach making detecting awful. So I took a gamble and headed off with my Nokta Velox One.
Arriving at the beach I looked down from the cliff top car park with baited breath, praying the beach didn't look how it looked the other week with sand piled up like a long mountain ridge. I tooky first look down and gave a sigh of relief. The mountain ridge had gone, in fact, at the top of the beach it looked like all the sand was gone. I had never seen it so stoney. This stretch of stones went a quarter of the way down the beach. Rushed back to the car, got my gear and made my way down.
Once on the beach I was amazed at how much had been stripped. I'd never seen it like this before. The photo I took with my phone shows all pebbles and stones, and once buried rocks. Last time i was here that was all sand.

As it was low tide I made my way down to the waters edge, set up and after playing about with the settings I started detecting back to the top of the beach. I was avoiding the stoney area at first and going for the easy digging in the sand , but as there was not a lot of finds coming up, just the odd decimal coin I tried the stoney area which produced the most finds.
It was hard to swing because of the large pebbles but taking it very slowly I was soon pulling the coins out. At first I was digging a lot of the usual trash but after playing around with the settings I found a nice combination that sorted most of it out and stayed with these settings the rest of the time I was there.

The settings I was using were ..... Sensitivity 10::: Iron Disc FS: ::Ground Balance 5::: Iron Off::: Iron Audio 2::: Mode 3.

Not a great lot came up, I was expecting bucket fulls of coins but I was happy with what I did find as the last time I was here I never found anything worth noting. As you can see in the photo there are a few pre-decimal coins, mainly pennies and half pennines. A couple of coins there so bad i can't make them out. Just under £3 in decinal coins. Really the best coin of the day was the silver sixpence dated 1938. A bullet and what looks like a spoon shank.

Hard to read the markings on the spoon shank, but what I can read it says 'NAFFI 1961'. Standing for 'Navy, Army and Air Force Institutes'. An organisation created by the British government in 1921 to run recreational establishments needed by the British Armed Forces, and to sell goods to servicemen and their families.

Yes, an enjoyable day. It was certainly an eye opener seeing all the sand gone and if this was a large tourist beach instead of a local small beach, I'm sure I would have filled every pocket I had with coins. It was also nice to meet some fellow detectorists there, never met anyone on this beach before detecting so they must have had the same idea as me.

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