Interesting day metal detecting Slapton Sands.
As I had not been out metal detecting for a whole week due to work I decided I'd make the most of today and get some detecting in. After checking the weather forecast and tide times I made a plan for today starting very early. I was up this morning at 4am and after packing my gear in the car I was on the road at 5am. Destination, Slapton Sands, arrived there just before 6am. I took my Nokta Velox One for the dry top of the beach and took my C.Scope cs4pi for down on the wet. My plan came together lovely as I used the Velox on the dry as the tide was going out, then switched to my C.Scope for the wet low tide.
Detected for a total of 9 hours on and off and enjoyed every minute of it. I have had a lot of decimal coins off this beach before but today, by taking my time and not rushing about like a headless chicken I managed to winkle out some more coins and artifacts.
Found a total of £6.86 in decimal coinage. Most of them came out the dry with my Velox but did find a few down in the wet with the C.Scope. The two rings I found in the wet with the C.Scope. The other objects came out of the wet and the dry.
Now the two rings I am baffled with and hope someone can ID them for me. The silvery ring came out of the wet looking like it is in the image, didn't have to clean it. Is it silver?, I'm not sure at this moment. I will do the spit and foil test when I get some foil, (none in the house). Inside there seems to be three digits, not even sure if they are numbers or letters. I've tried to show them in the image, very hard to make out. So I'm keeping my fingers crossed for that one.
The other ring which is a bit bent and buckled is very tarnished, to me it looks old, or is that just wishful thinking. I'm scared to try and clean it at the moment until I know for sure as its very thin and brittle.
*UPDATE*.... Just had the rings ID'd, and they are both silver.
Those marks on the silvery one are a mistructed .925 and the older looking one is also silver possibly 19th century. Very pleased with that result.
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ReplyDeleteA nice collection. I think I could only locate a tank with my skills.
Are you able to change the link for South Hams Metal Detecting Club to