I had another go at Slapton Sands this morning. Arrived just as it started to get light and I had the whole beach to myself. Started off down at the waters edge at first but as I wasn't getting much luck decided to move up onto the dry for a bit of coin shooting. Managed to winkle out 43 coins in total, all decimal amounting to £11.96. I was there for about 4 hours before I had to head back, Shame really as it was a glorious day and would have liked to have spent longer. Still, I was happy with my finds, always fun coin shooting.
The settings I used on my Velox One because of all the trash were iron off and discrim all the way round to 10. That way I was able to keep the sensitivity on 9. Moving very slowly it was easy to pick out the good signals.
That 's what I love about this hobby, it gets you out and about and you spot some lovely things. Take that butterfly, as I sat on a rock for a break at the top of the beach it landed on a flower right in front of me so I quickly grabbed my phone and took the shot.
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