All I got was a soaking.

What can I say, what a disastrous day today has been metal detecting. I took a gamble on the weather, and lost. The forecast was for heavy rain this morning and clearing around midday to sunny spells and showers. Well, it did rain all morning and boy didn't it rain. Midday it was still chucking it down and wasn't till into the afternoon we had the first sunny period,,,,, which lasted 5 minutes and it chucked it down again. All afternoon was the odd sunny spell that lasted 5 minutes and lots of rain and hail. We were detecting right on the edge of Dartmoor and it was cold.

After 7 hours I was soaked through to my bones, feet and hands numb with cold, dew drop on my nose. To be honest I was glad to get home. There were hardly any finds to speak of. My nephew had the best find of a silver threepence. My total haul was 2 buttons and a grot coin.

On top of all that I was having continual pain in my right arm again. In the end I was holding my Velox in close to my side and was using my body to swing it side to side. My arm don't seem to be healing up now and lasts from hunt to hunt. This is with a bungee attached. Its getting to the stage now where I need a very light machine like a Deus if I'm to continue to enjoy my detecting.

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